Monday, November 29, 2010

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving has come and gone...once all of the commotion settled down I realized I did not take even one picture! How did that happen? Maybe because of the cooking, cleaning, eating, crafting....and just plain fun! This was the first year that I made myself not stress over every little detail and just enjoy the day. There was no fancy place setting, instead Sami wrote a note to each guest stating why she was thankful for them. There was no elaborate centerpiece, instead a crafted banner the kids and I made the night before. No sitting in a turkey coma, instead we made a Thankfulness tree that each guest had a part in and played memory until everyone had a turn to win! It was the most relaxed Thanksgiving I can remember...I let go and just enjoyed the wonderful blessings I am surrounded by! Now we are already on to Christmas...the trees are up, decorations out, present wrapped under the tree-and maybe I'll even extend this stress free idea to Christmas?! Maybe.

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