Saturday, September 6, 2008

"2,4,6,8 Who Do We Appreciate...Girly Gators"

Sami had her first soccer game today. We practiced a little outside last night and I was telling her "Ok Sami, tomorrow there are no butterflies, clovers or ladybugs!". Well, we get to the game and the girls are warming comes Sami ,"Mommy I found a ladybug!!!". I should have known then it would be a long game :) Actually they all did really well for it being the first time any of them ever played an actual game. Yes, we scored a goal for the other team .... yes, there were a lot of girls holding hands and jumping around .... and there might have even been a few butterflies found. But, all in all, the girls all did fabulous and Sami had a great time. We're keeping our fingers crossed she continues to love it!! Here are some of the pics we took - this age is just too cute!!

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