Friday, June 18, 2010

Hannah Hate Mail

Sami is devastated! She has been a HUGE Hannah Montana fan for a couple of years now but that all ended one fateful summer morning...this morning to be exact. I had a couple of appointments so Sami decided to stay with Papa and Granny. All seemed well with the world until I went to pick her up. With a mix of alligator tears and frustration she tells the story of Miley Cyrus singing on a morning show. Here's the note she wrote and "emailed" to give lil' Miley a piece of her mind:
In case you can't read it, here's the interpretation:
"Miley you need to go back and watch the old videos and then watch the videos now. Because I used to love you but also I loved your country songs. But I don't now, I'm sorry you need to change and I mean it! Love, Samantha"
So why all this disappointment and angst you ask? Well, according to Sami, Miley was wearing a shirt that showed her tummy, too much makeup and had a earring on her tongue! Bless that little girls heart....she does listen to me!!!

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