Thursday, May 21, 2009

PooPoo Play

Matthew has been showing a lot of interest in potty training these days, so I try to take advantage of it when I can. A couple of days ago, we were staying in for the afternoon and he had just gone potty on his own. So...since we weren't going anywhere, I figured I would let him wear his new Cars underwear. Two minutes later this is what happened:

Matthew: "I peepee in my chonies Mommy"
Me: "It's ok buddy, you're learning. Come here, we will change you."

Matthew walks over to me and I proceed to pull down his shorts and then underwear.

Me: "OH NO!! You didn't tell me you had gone poopoo in your chonies!"

Poop is all over the floor and his legs at this point.

Matthew: "I sorry Mommy, I sorry" as he tries to step away from to poop only to actually step in it and then do a banana peel slip and fall in it.

Me: "Matthew, just stay still. There is poop everywhere!"

Matthew is now getting upset and starting to cry. Sami meanwhile has been sitting at the table nearby doing homework and decided to help out.

Sami: "It's ok Matthew. You are learning, this just happens sometimes. I used to have this problem when I was learning too."

Such a sweet girl, she then goes into Matthew's room and gets a diaper to try to be even more helpful. Meanwhile, I have most of the floor cleaned up, his feet and legs. I turned to get more wipes and that is when I saw poor little Matthew with a wipee in each hand cleaning the floor!

Me: "Matthew it's ok honey, you don't have to clean the floor. Mommy will do it."

Matthew steps away and I continue to clean up the mess not paying attention to what the kids are doing. When I got done, I stood up to take it all to the trash and what do I see? Sami has lifted Matthew onto the coffee table to put a diaper on him. Great help but one problem...I hadn't quite got to cleaning his bottom just yet!

Me: "OH NO! Sami you can't put him up there...Mommy needs to clean his bottom."
Sami: "I'm sorry Mommy, I didn't know where to put him."
Me: "It's ok but he needs to get cleaned up and now we need to clean the table."

Matthew gets down, I wipe his bottom and head to get more cleaning supplies. When I return, there is sweet Matthew with yet another wipee in his hand cleaning the table and saying...

Matthew: "It's otay Mommy, it's otay. I cleaning...all better!"

And with such satisfaction on his face he goes and puts the wipe in the trash. How could you not just sit and laugh at all of this?! That is exactly what I did...sat down with them and laughed until it hurt. I wish I'd had a video camera of the whole - gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

The Lomeli clan said...

Wow! That was a fun adventure, huh? Gotta love poo poo underwear. I am glad you are laughing about it. I always had these experiences right before an appointment of some kind.