Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cory Turns 30!!

My husband is officially in his 30's. And I love the fact that for the next 2 months I get to gloat and beam that I am younger than him! This past weekend we had a small get together with friends at our house. I must admit I wasn't exactly thrilled when Cory said he wanted to have a Rock Band/Guitar Hero party with good friends and drink beer all night for his birthday. But what can I is his birthday not mine! So - I cleaned, cooked, cleaned some more then cooked some more to get ready for the big night. And I do think we all actually had a blast! One of Cory's best friends lives up north and was able to come down and spend the night with us. It was so nice to see him and I know it made Cory's birthday all the sweeter. Several people stayed until well after 1:30am playing that thing! The kids and I surprised Cory and got him his very own Guitar Hero III as his gift. I know..we are a little late on the band wagon with this one. The worst part is I think that I enjoy it more than Cory does! The kids think that it is quite silly to see Mommy "rockin' out" on the guitar - Sami's new phrase has quickly become "You Rock." Hey - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looking like a rock and roll family through and through.
Great pics!